Racing Team
/ Pieterjan Ginckels
KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture
Paleizenstraat 65-67
1030 Brussels BE
+32 2 447 19 00
KU Leuven Architecture
Post-Office BOOK CLUB
Lazy nights, tricky books
Dear book afficionado, welcome to the Post-Office Book Club! The Brussels architecture library displays a selection of books curated by a family of practitioners. The collection will be on the shelves throughout the 22-23 year, and is yours to consult. Every three weeks, we will transform the library and host a bibliophilic soirée. One of our club members takes the lead and, after having read one of the volumes, will share its hopes, fears, secrets and revelations, or:
Image = POBC review cheat sheet, 2022
The night’s host will give shape to the event - we might be reading together, remixing books in a workshop, or watch related films. We would be delighted to have you on board, as a guest ± reader, or a maker of soup :-)
Our first club night will take place on Tuesday 25 October 2022. If you missed an event, look into the book’s back cover insert to find a special card. On this card, you can find this book’s other readers. You can meet up, organize another event, or read the book and add your name to the list.
Do you want to participate? Need more info? Ask our librarian, or drop a line at pieterjan.ginckels AT See you at the club!
Image = POBC base camp, Paleizenstraat 65 Brussels / 5th floor
The POBC is an initiative of Pieterjan Ginckels & Paradigm Weekly and the architecture library of KU Leuven in Brussels. A first collection of books is curated together with Miriam Rohde and Lars Fischer.
Racing Team
/ Pieterjan Ginckels
KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture
Paleizenstraat 65-67
1030 Brussels BE
+32 2 447 19 00